through Sal 9am-4:30pm. the Nelson Municipal Library. The Kootenay School of Langham Gallery presents, Every Fri. morning at 10 am. Rebalancing This six- Flight, Flux & Fusion. Glass Pre-register by calling 152- month course offered in NeJ. and installations by Norm 6333. son beginning October 1 A Seasonal Diary: recent Hart,uz. Opening reception Visitor Centre open teaches the skills needed to be- ~')!_f_r paintings by Alf Crossley. Aug. 13-SepL 20 at the NEC 7pm Tues Sept. 29. Running through Oct. 18. 353- 2661. Sundays !0-4pm in Sept. Pro- grams 2pm. Come for a walk come a bodyworker (people, not cacs) and focuses strongly ---=---- ,~;;;; :!;:~~~~;;;;;;;;~ = = - Gallery on Hwy 3A across or view the Kokanee Salmon. on self-transformation. For Th;village of Kaslo & H.A.R.P. from the Castlegar Airport. further information phone 365-3337. Blewett Conservation 354- 3811. Committee Members are proud to announce Kootenay School of the ~PERFORMANCE Society meets first Monday of evecy month at Blewett Ftre Learn a dynamic yet gentle A Heritage Sheet Metal Workshop Arts now accepting registra- Hall. Info: 354-4417. practice of yoga, which creates tio ns: clay, sculpture, textiles, Every Thursday it's Open strength, flexibility, relaxation Saturday Oct. 3, 1992 dance, painting. drawing & Stage at the S.U.B. 8:30pm. Leaving Rakingl The Boys All welcome NO mino rs. and Girls Oub's yo uth em- and peace of mind. Beginners A small fee of $10 will be charged to cover the cost writing courses. Ph. l5Ul258. welcome. Memorial Hall, of a buffet lunch. Sponsored by the D.T.S.S. ploymcnt program caUed Fu- Ward & Carbonate streets, Dave Brooks treeplanting Open Stage Coffeehouses turescape will be raking leaves Pre-registration is recommended with a limit of 25. photo exhibit "Keep Cool, Nelson. For infonnation Registratioon enquiries &: fees should be directed to still happening at Ymir and performing other odd phone Carol Erickson 229- Trees fo r Tomorrow" l-6pm Schoolhouse. 2nd & 4th Sun- jobs this fall. For more info: 4793. the Village Office at 353-2311. daily. Nelson Museum 352- CaU Jason Schweitzer at 352- 9813. da:,,; through October.157- . Introductory Buddhist 2567. 2505 and Hire A Student 3 tAst A~~ived ... SIiverton Gallery presents today. Talks every Tues., 444 Baker "Plant Paper/Planet Images" Dances of Universal St., 3rd noor, 7pm - medita- Newcomers Dinner Club tion and meditation instruc- by Loma Obermayr. Gallery Peace Anglican Hall, 3374 Come & meet new friends hours !-4pm, Sept. 4-7 & 11- Old South Slocan Road every tion, 8pm - free talk. over dinner. Last Saturday 14. 2nd & 4th Tues of the month. each month. Call Cindy 152- Tarot the true meaning. In- 7:30pm 355-2591. 3930 or Donna 159-8004. troduetory classes begin Oct. mid length jackets The Langham Gallery EARTHWATCH with Ann 14 in the Slocan Valley. Info: Swanson-Gross and Dawn Arlene 359-7344 or Inga 158- colow'flAlly hand-batiked ►EDUCATION 2684. Maddcss Sept. 8-26. Paintings, Limited Edition ~COMMUNITY fl"om 3ava Prints & Pastels byCLint Atkinson at the Hummingbird La Leche League of Nel- son Monthly Meeting$. Kootenay Centre for Ex- ~SPORTS .Alpaca sweatel"s GaUery, Nelson . Sept. II-Sept. perlentlal Education offers Breastfeeding information The Nelson Rowing Club 30. Info: 352-2083. and support. Info: l52-l521. programs in outdoor skills, ad- venture experiences, personal holds regular practices every fl"om Pel"IA .+ '""9"+$29 0 Kootenay School of the Sat. and Sun. mornings at 8am West Kootenay Aids gI'0\\.1h, nature, science and en- Arts offers oourscs in clay, for experienced rowers and at sculpture, drawing, painting, Group Thursday.; 7:30pm at vironment, and WindwaJker 9:30am for beginners. Group cotton p1Allovel"s the Central Kootenay Health Wilderness Schools for textiles & writing beginning Sept 28. Phone 152-8258. Unit, 813 10th St., Castlegar. Youths. For more informa- and priwte lessons offered. Call Dominique at 1524193. fl"om Thailand $26 For more info: lS4-6300 or tion: oontact The Centre at Paintings by Gary 365-3268 evcnin~. RR #1 2309 Willowpoint, Nel- Nelson Slimmers Club Ramsbottom , Nelson son, VIL 5P4. 825-9262, fax: Meets at Selkirk Health Unit, Museum Sept. 11-30, l-4pm Eagles Ladies Auxiliary 1524199. 6:30pm. Back door. Info: 352- daily, except Sundays. #22 meets Eagles Hall 1st & 2322 3rd Weds. 7:30pm. Deepen Your Apprecla• Join the Band Join the Nel- tion or the great outdoors. Skateboarding, Roller- son City Band this year. Prac- The Nelson Municipal CONNECT Wril-1 NA- blading at the Garage. Tues, ticcs Tuesdays 7:15pm up- Library offers Toddlertime, TURE. Formal and informal Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun. Roller- stairs in the Legion. AJI musi- every Sat. morning at 10:20 programs. Peter Duryea 1ZI- blading only, Wed. 4:00- cians wckome. 352-6384. am. Parent participation. Pre- 9555. 6:30pm. l52-3999. ManWomanl Recent works register by calling 152-6333. Tai Chi Centre Experience Nelson Planned Parent• the gentle power of Tai O,i. Sept 25-0ct 22, Mon-Sat 10-5. Seniors One Stop pro- hood Clinic 503 Front St., Gallery of the Kootenays, 459 vi des current info or interest Inquire about faU classes, 352- Nelson. left side door. 6:30- Ward St. 352-4838. to seniors, assistance with tax, 3714, 152-2468. 9pm. Every Wed . Drop in. Estok at the Capitol pension and other forms. We Kootenay Alkldo Club listen and help. Tues to Fri. Birth oontrol, pregnancy and Sunday, Nov. 22, 2pm Theatre in Nelson: E.xhibi- 9:30-12 noon. 24-hour answer- sro testing, cervical cap/dia- enjoy a relaxing yet invigorat- DUO AMOROSO, tion ofoils Sept 25-0ct. 17. phragm fittings. Doctoravaila- ing workout while learning the Opening Sept 25 at 7:30pm. ing service for messages. ble weekly. Infant car seat principals of Aikido. For info Pianist Show open daily Mon. - Preschool Storytime at rental . Info: 354-3872. call 354-4232/354-4817. Sunday, Feb. 21, 2pm UITLE EAGLES OF SIBERIA, Garnet Debuts New Album by Heather Hutchinson The EXPRESS is bringing Garnet Rogers back claimed were written by others are actually his own. Now Gamet has many miles and concerts under young singers & dan cers Regular Season Tickets: $40 adult, $12 student Single Tickets: $16 adult, $5 student Tickets a vailable at the Capitol Theatre or to the Kootenays. What strikes me first about this his belt as a solo performer. He also has five solo al- man as he strides onto the stage is what a big man he bums; Small Victories, Speaking Softly In The Dark, Allens Art Shoppe is. Well over six feet tall. And then he starts to speak The. Outside Track (hailed as "one of the great and then sing and out of him rolls a voice that evokes Canadian recordings of the decade"), his first album the whole heart and soul of a man. Gamet Rogers and now his newly released album, At This man is a singer. His voice brings to mind a range of images from loneliness of the empty prairie A High Window . He's also toured with Archie Fischer and Doug McArthur and has collaborated ABACVS O BEADS and the last train pullng out from an isolated com- on albums with both men. munity leaving the people behind in the dust to the At A High Window, his latest album,has been warmth and richness of the last to ice cream melting beautifully produced and arranged by Garnet, and on a piece of fresh autumn apple pie to the pain and with the accompaniement of a talented group of frustration of a man who no longer fits into his world musicians this album has a freshness and excitement because his world has disappeared.. to it that both longstanding and new fans are going to He is a songwriter. It took him a long time to find very enjoyable indeed. The majority of songs are get out from under the shadow of his brother Stan stories written by Garnet with his usual sensitivity to presents Rogers. For years he was Stan's sideman, playing the world of ordinary people, "the people you may guitar, violin, flute (he is a fine musician) as they know yourself'. His version of Ewan McColl's Joy Of An Introduction to toured Canada and the States. When Stan died in a tragic plane accident outside of Cincinnati in 1983, Living is simply lovely. Jewellery Making he was encouraged by a club in New England to Garnet appears at the Capitol Theatre Wed- carry out his brother's performing engagements, Ro- nesday September 30. Come out and enjoy his songs, Learn the basic techniques to gers was launched into a solo career even he admits his storytelling and the man himself. You won't be create your own unique 7ewellery. he wasn't ready for. And only recently has Rogers disappointed. Call THE EXPRESS for Informa- confessed that many of the songs he originally tion or reservations at 354-391(lJ Each 2 1/2-hour session will cover identification and use of jewellery findings, proper use of operation of the cable ferries at Desk Glade and Harrop will also be re- tools, stringing and techniques continued from page S viewed under tha panel's man- ... and more! date. $12 per session &~;,i;~\~;~: '.:::~,~:v, 25. "Highways Minister Art Char- The travelling public is also bonneau has ordered the review in 6 persons maximum per session invited to make written submis- order to ensure the highest stand- sions to the review panel regard- ards of operation on all inland fer- ing the operation of the Kootenay Supplies will be available during sessions Ministry of Transportation and High- for 15% off regular cost. ways ries, including the M.V. Anscomb Lake Ferries through the office of The Inland Feny Review and the M.V. Balfour for the Corley Evans, MLA (Nelson- For more information, or to register call 352-3100, or stop by Panel will be assessing the opera- safety and benefit of passengers tion of the Kootenay Lake Feny and crew," says Gordon Suther- continued on page 11 505 Kootenay Street, Nelson, B.C. system between September 22 and land, Regional Director. The THE KOOTENAY WEEKLY EXPRESS SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 Page 9