Page 4 EXPRESS April 9, 1997 opinion Compassion brings tears to her eyes EXPRESS PHONE: (250) 354-3910 EDITORIAL 354-1118 FAX 352-5075 554 WARD STREET, NELSON, B.C. VIL IS9 Dear Editor, I am writing to share my delight in the spirit of generosi- ty and compassion I witnessed in Nelson today. I am a home care nurse. I visit people in their homes when they need nursing They have always loved the outdoors and have a dream which they disclosed lo me today. I went lo the fire hall lo talk lo Jamie Spence who immediately said he would help. Ron Stubbs, fire chief, heard their dream and said any of the firemen could help. I E-MAIL: assistance. Nurses are often privileged then called Keith Houghton with Medigas OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. enough to get a glimpse into very private and he also said he would help. parts of other people's lives. Today was There were tears in my eyes, and I think I Prevention Our universal medical care system is gelling a little one of those days for me. I visited a delightful couple who have been through some difficult times lately, heard them in the voice of the woman as well, when I called to tell her so many peo- ple had volunteered to help fulfill 'the and know they have more to face. They dream. less universar. Starting next week, patients will pay continue to do this with humour and wis- Thank you lo everyone involved, you are more for "supplemental" services such as dental dom-a very difficult feat. The man is surgery, physiotherapy, naturopathy, chiropractic treat- very special people. ment and massage therapy. very ill and knows he may not be able lo Katie Weir, Nelson Some health care practitioners in affected fields gel about independently much longer. believe the fee increase will have a deterrent effect, keeping people from getting treatment when they need it, and costing more when that treatment becomes imperative. Health ministry spokesperson Susan Gee Seeking first girl born in Nelson Not acknowledged the hike will be "difficult" for some peo- ple. Gee also said this province covers a lot more ser- Dear Editor, Our mother, Mabel lead to believe our mother was the first female child dants who are living in Nelson. amused vices than other provinces. That fact, she says, shows Dear Editor, how important "preventative" health care services are to Anne Shannon, was born born to a pioneer family Janie Seaby (nee Wigg) Your "April Fool's" the government of B.C. in Nelson on July I, in Nelson. David (Buster) Wigg front-page photo and Hmmm. There seems to be some discontinuity here. 1891, the daughter of Mr. We would appreciate accompanying blurb Jill Kennedy (nee Wigg) Preventative care is important. Why make people pay was extraordinarily And Mrs. A.B. Shannon, hearing from anyone who 2 - 1220 Mill Street tacky and repulsive. I more for it? Essentially, this is a short-sighted money grab. who pioneered here in knows of a girl born in Nelson, B.C. must say it suits your Preventative care will save taxpayers in the long run, 1889. Nelson before that date VIL 4T4 publication admirably. but the province wants lo cut the deficit now to restore We have always been and also of any dcscen- Fred Nachbaur, 352-2548 public confidence in a government that deceived British Nelson Col umbians about the budget to get re-elected. Gee said the province is focusing on patient care, cancer treat- ment and reducing wait lists. Wrong focus, folks. Preventative health care is where it's at, and these Forest Practices Code a "joke" "supplemental" services are just part of prevention. As Dear Editor, fact that this government refuses to conquer" PR campaign. Consultants this province's baby boomers get older, our health-care The recent showing of Legacy and bring down the allowable annual cut for SFP are using buzzwords like costs are going to climb steeply unless measures arc Forests Forever combined with other (AAC) to a sustainable level any- "biodiversity" and "ecosystem-based taken to reduce the need for care. Our government needs lo take an active role in preventative care. alarming reports about forestry con- where in B.C. An example is the dev- forestry," but make no mistake, the Education is key. Now, this government has been doing firm that it is business as usual. The astation of the caribou range in the intent is maximum timber supply and an excellent job in education on the issue of smoking- government's own Forest Practices Chilcotin. The Ministry of Forests profits, not long term economic or con tcsls and programs in schools as well as strict Board as well as Sierra Legal Defense admits that the sustainable rate for the ecologic stability like the SILVA enforcement of tobacco sales laws will likely prevent a Fund pointed out what a joke the new TSA is 2.5 million cubic meters, but PLAN. Where is value-added or sec- good number of people from getting lung cancer and Forest Practices Code is when it the Clark government permits forest ondary industry? other tobacco-related diseases. comes to protecting biodiversity or companies to mow down 3.8 million. Instead of sheeps' clothing, the Diet, however, is extremely important to health, and water. Eighty-three per cent of all It's the same story in our area. MoF wolves put on transparent green coats there arc few governmental efforts to alter the typical streams supposedly protected by the teams tell government that they can't and look rather silly waving sticks and British Columbian's eating habits. We eat too much sat- code had been clearcut to the stream find five million cubic meters of wood carrots. If short-term timber targets urated fat. We eat too many foods loaded with carcino- banks. In 36 per cent of the cases, the but then arc told to go back for anoth- continue to drive SFP's development genic preservatives and colourings. The province must province had approved the yarding of er look. Meaning: Find it any way plans, neither water nor long-term take a strong role in educating people about healthy eat- ing. logs through strearnbeds (Vancouver you can, regardless! In the Slocan timber supplies will be sustained and Exercise is another area of prevenlativc health care Sun, Mar. 8). Valley there is a new approach to con- government is very much to blame. that could use some support from the government. How The absolu_te biggest problem is the tact water users with a "divide and Gunter Retterath, Winlaw about a provincial version of the federal "Participaction" program. This would be mostly a pub- lic relations project, and could be undertaken by health ministry staff, who would coordinate events with local Perversion not OK, turn from wicked ways recreation groups and municipalities. Dear Editor, nothing to do with ethnic origin, reli- them over to shameful lusts. Even Preventative care is really the only hope for maintain- After reading the March 22 gion, skin color, sex, age, or mental or their women exchanged natural rela- ing a universal health system as our post-war generation Vancouver Sun front page article, physical disability. tions for unnatural ones." ages. It will cost us money now, but save us much more "Experience aids 'outsider' rights According to the article, Mary-Woo In case you are wondering why I later. commissioner," I believe it is neces- Sims is the NOP-appointed head of am writing this, it is to deliver my sary to state my position as a resident the Human Rights Commission. She soul. God has appointed me a watch- Sayyourpiece If you've read the April newslcller from the City of of B.C. and a Christian. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms rec- ognizes the supremacy of God and so is also a "leather-clad, rat-tail-sport- ing, motorcycle-riding lesbian." This person heads an investigative com- man as in Ezekiel Ch. 3 vrs. 17 to 19. I must warn commissioner Sims along with all people who believe that sexu- Nelson, you know public meetings will take place on do I. I claim my fundamental free- mission that is supposedly empow- al perversion is OK, to turn from their plans for a new leisure centre. It's a linle disturbing--not doms of: "conscience and religion, ered to investigate complaints of dis- wicked ways or their souls will die. If to say surprising--lhat the City is giving people less than thought, belief and expression, includ- crimi nalion under the B.C. Human I don't obey God's Word and I don't a week's notice about the Tuesday and Wednesday ing freedom of the press and other Rights Act that supposedly makes warn you, then your blood is on my meetings. Do we want to lose a playing field, and along media of communication" as staled in illegal anything said or printed in pub- head. God is not willing that any with it the only large chunk of green space downtown? the Charter which is the supreme law lic that "indicates discrimination." should perish, but all should come to Do we want a private enterprise running our community of the land. Under "equality rights" in Sexual orientation is included in the repentance and receive eternal life. centre for profit so we can have 2 full-sized hockey the Charter, sexual orientation is not act. The Bible speaks about lesbians Without prejudice, rinks? City officials need to hear what you say. listed, as this is a behavior and has in Romans Ch. I. Vs. 20 "God gave Brian Zacharias, Nelson EDITOR-IN-CHIEF and PUBLISHER: Nelson Becker EDITOR: Ethan Baron ADVERTISING: Panny Caron Letters policy AD DESIGN and PRODUCTION: A. Tremblay and A. Lockerbie RECEPTION: Marina Kiborn DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Eugene Schmunk (354-1100) Weencourage ourreaderstowriteto us.Letters area wayforyou opinion. If youwishto writea commentary.pleasecontact theeditor. April 9, 1997, Volume 9 Number 20 ISSN 1196-7471 to speakto yourcommunity,to givenewinlonnation,participate in a All lettersand commentaries mustbe signedand includeyour The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. discussion or express an opinion.Please addresslettersmeantfor name,addressandphonenumber.We willnotprint"namewithheld• publicationto theeditor.We do notacceptopenletters.Lettersmust letters,(unlessthereis a goodreasonfor anonymity) or lettersor beshort(250 wordsmaximum) andto thepoint.We reserve theright commentaries thatcontainpersonal attacks.derogatory or promote to editlettersto theeditor.Commentaries canbe longer(500 words) violence, racismor sexism. and are morein•depththanletters.Commentaries usuallyrequire Opinions in theExpressare notnecessarily thoseof thepublisher someresearch. and shouldoffer new information as well as an ortheExpress advertisers.