Page 12 EXPRESS December 24, 1997 Questions about estrogen therapy py, starting with women at same kind of hormones we one-third. the midpoint of our lives. killer is that any man who What's high risk of heart disease. shove on women -- and the So, if the scientific world But working out those start on estrogens might UpDoc?ยท This is because the evi- dence is pretty clear that study concluded that estro- gens had a major beneficial can just work out a few small problems, it might problems might be a tall order! I mean, there's not suddenly develop the need to go shopping twice a post-menopausal use of effect on the hearts of these not be too long before all us only side effects like larger week -- or an intense desire estrogen cuts the risk of men by increasing blood guys are also encouraged lo breasts, less facial hair and to talk on the phone for sev- heart disease which, despite flow to the heart by nearly take estrogen when we hit higher voices, but the real eral hours per day ... what most women think, is j I I still the No. I killer of women by the proverbial country mile. Why does estrogen help Dr.ArtHister_J prevent heart disease? For many reasons! Studies have You all know, of course, shown that estrogen has that estrogen therapy has many beneficial cardiac been widely promoted for effects, such as slowing the post-menopausal women build-up of harmful choles- because of studies that have terol plaques on the walls found that women on estro- of arteries, preventing gen therapy have a lower blood clots, helping lo rate of several health prob- lower LDL levels (bad cho- lems -- including osteo- lesterol) while raising HDL porosis, heart disease, and (good cholesterol) levels. perhaps even Alzheimer's There's also the benefit of Disease. having a relaxing effect on Now I've always felt that the tone of cardiac arteries. the jury that decided all But what's also become women must take hormones clear from all the work when they reach a certain done on estrogen over the age used about as much last decade is that these common sense to arrive at beneficial effects apply not that conclusion as the jury only to women. That's in the O.J. Simpson trial. right, guys! Your worst Why? Because I feel we nightmare may in fact soon just don't yet know enough by a reality, because men to tell the average low-risk may also soon be encour- woman that she should take aged to take estrogen deriv- hormones over one-third of atives. her life. In fact, in a recent study Having said that, I must published in the American Recognizing support also add that I think that a Journal of Cardiology, Holly Jack (right), manager of the West Kootenay St. John Ambulance regional office in Castlegar, presents a couple of groups of women researchers treated some plaque to Employment Officer Penelope Pallatt of the Nelson Human Resources Development Canada office, in clearly should be encour- recognition of the HRDC's support of the Targeted Wage Subsidy Program. The program, under which Jack was middle-aged guys with hired as the first full-time paid employee of St. John Ambulance in the West Kootenay, provides supplemental aged to take P~: bn~ 1i"',i\U wiLbso,.ll)e menopausal hormone th14W-' co~ gated estrogens -- the funding for local employment initiatives. "The program preserved the presence of St. John Ambulance in this region," said Jack. BOXING WEEK BLOW OUT SAVEUP TO 60% OFF REG RETAIL ON ALL XMAS DECORATIONS WRAP AND SELECTED COSMETICGin SETS OPEN 685 Baker St., 10AM-4PM Nelson Locally Owned & Operated 352-2316