May 10,2000 EXPRESSPage 7 BC Fest fundraising fulfilled. Go GREEN. ~~- Cirque du Soleil 111e111ber added THIS WEEK. ~j By Stephen Harris Nelson as a legacy of the Bringing four performers ing boards, bungee cords, NELSON - With about two festival. with her, Brown will create and specially built ramps, so EVERY WEEK. ~~A. weeks to go until the kick- "The legacy will be the show should be spectac- off for the B.C. Festival of administered jointly ular, in the way that only the Arts, fundraisers are between the provincial Cirque performers can do it. pleased to announce that organizers of the Festival of I've seen Cirque du Soleil they are about to reach their the Arts and the City of several times, and without a Moy 19 & 20 at L.V.Rogers High School Theatre, Nelson 'hard cash' fundraising goal Nelson," Hierck explained. doubt, they put on the most Moy 26 at the Silverton Gallery of $44,000, and will soon be The legacy money will be amazing show I've ever A ml;!lti-media production by Colin Davison & Blake Parker working on collecting earmarked for arts and cul- been to. Brown's appear- I ' •41· 8:00 p.m. Tix $10/$8 money for a legacy fund. tural events. ance at the Fest of Arts will Tix: Oliver's Books "It's great," said Tom Hierck, fundraising com- mittee chair. "But I'm not surprised. This community In other festival news, a big name has been added to the Opening Gala on May 27. Cirquedu Soleil'sDebra Brown,who will be perform- be a welcome and inspiring presence, no doubt. Also at the gala will be Uzume Taiko, a Japanese " Live Wires Music Info: 352-1888 A David Thompson CulturalSociety ing at the BCFestivalof the presentation always comes out strongly Debra Brown, Cirque du drumming and dance Arts OpeningGala in support of good events." Soleil's principal choreog- troupe, and Rick Scott, for- Hierck and crew are now rapher since 1987, is com- an acrobatic feast for the mer member of well-known working on raising an addi- ing to Nelson to create a eyes and ears. She's also folk band, Pied Pumkin. tion $20,000 to be kept in new work for the Festival. bringing trampolines, div- For info, call 505-5582. ipating in this festival can be a stress- Bodyvvorkers vvanted laden time, but after a few minutes of talented hands sculpting away the NELSON (Staff) - When the B.C. soothed by the caring hands of one of day's tensions, smiles and happy bod- Festival of the Arts rolls into Nelson Nelson's many talented massage and ies will hopefully be the order of the from May 26 to June 3, the theme of bodywork practitioners. day. 'Nelson - Naturally' will be carried Organized by the Festival's Health Bodyworkers interested in participat- through not only the arts activities, but Services co-ordinator, Martyn Luberti, ing in the Festival are encouraged to also in the behind the scenes participa- bodyworkers will have the opportunity call Luberti at 354-4277, or the tion of hundreds of volunteers. to join forces and volunteer their skills Festival Volunteer Center at 505-5531. Festival organizers are arranging a to help show why Nelson deserves its Charitable tax receipts can be issued 'de-stress' clinic, where participants, reputation as the alternative health for the hours donated. delegates and volunteers can be capital of Canada. Planning and partic- Recycle the . Express! Valid at Chako Mika Mall in Nelson. 1 coupon/person/visit. Only 1 offer can be used at a time. Exp June 30/00 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NELSON NOTICE - REZONING APPLICATION 1004 DAVIES STREET & 508 SEVENTH STREET TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the City of Nelson proposes to amend: The City of Nelson ''Land Use Regulation By-Law No. 2243, 1987" by rezoning the following described land from C-2 Highway Commercial (restricted) and R-2 Multi-Family Residential to Apartment Residential Zone, R-4: Lots 1 and 2, District Lot 183 Pum 17990 Kootenay District (1004 Davies Street and 508 Seventh Street) (hereinafter called "the subject property") Purpose of the Proposed By-Lnw Amendment To change the zone of the subject property from C-2 Highway Commercial (restricted) and R-2 Multi- Family Residential to Apartment Residential Zone, R-4 to permit use of the subject property as a senior citizen complex. The amending By-Law may be inspected at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 502 Vernon Street, Nelson, B.C. from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday inclusive with the exception of Statutory Holidays from date of this notice until May 15, 2000. TAKE NOTICE that the City Council will hold a public bearing thereon on Monday May 15, 2000 at 6:00 pm, for the proposed amendment to the Land Use Regulation By-Law, in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 502 Vernon Street, Nelson, B.C. at which time and place all persons who deem their interest in Student Venture winners property affected by the proposed amending by-law may be heard on maners contained therein. City Clerk KayRyan,middle,with JamesWilliamsonand Karl Nygren,the GrandPrizeWinnersof the Dated at Nelson, B.C. this 14'hday of April, 2000 StudentVenturesProgram. NELSON (Staff) - The Community school group competition from which Futures Development Corporation of four winners were selected. These four Central Kootenay has wrapped up their business plans were handed over to a Student Ventures Program. final panel judges. Youth aged 15 - 18 were encouraged to Karl Nygren and James Williamson submit a business plan for a business that from Mount Sentinel Secondary claimed SEVENTH they would like to start and operate. the grand prize with their business idea, Nearly 20 business plans were submit- 'Lettuce Alone'. They feel that there is ted, all of which were thoroughly one more way to get ahead in life, and researched and presented. that's by growing organic romaine and 0 2 6 5 2 "It was difficult deciding on just one leaf lettuce in greenhouses for the com- business plan that was worthy of the munity. grand prize," commented Kay Ryan, Self Theiraccomplishmentswere honoredat Employment and Training Coordinator at an April 20 ceremony where they CFDC. received $2,000 to be put towards their All of the business plans went through a business or post-secondaryeducation.