Page 2 EXPRESS December13,2000 Ryan Kewen's work Knowinghowto usethe Mobile Needle Exchange ANKORS 505-5509 sweet and smooth equipmentcan saveyourlife The ANKORS Mobile Needle Exchange will be at Recreational avalanche courses are being offered Balfour, Dec. 15 from noon to 12:30; Nelson, Dec. 20 from Review by Tim Shay 3 to 5:30 p.m.; Salmo, Dec. 14 from 6:55 to 7:50 p.m. Jan. 5, 6, 7, and Jan. 26, 27, 28, as well as on other Just like a high quality dates that might be more convenient for groups. box of chocolates this first Peter Kimmel of Incline Research and Control Ltd., CD by Kootenay musician with 25 years of experience in the field, would like to Rylan Kewan has arrived in emphasize the importance of avalanche safety for win- time for seasonal festivities. ter time back country users. Sweet, consistent, and "All age groups of skiers, snowboarders and snow smooth, the pieces in this machine operators should be aware of avalanche dan- collection are executed with style and sensitivity by Kewen. ger," said Kimmel. "Knowing the equipment necessary Of the 15 guitar compositions, only three are tradition- and how to use it is mandatory." als, with the strength of the selection maintained by Kewen's delightful original compositions. Often, first collections by original artists lean too heavi- The increased use of the back country in winter has led to more people being exposed to the risk of CBook! avalanches. Using good terrain travel techniques, the ly on traditional pieces and cover tunes. In this instance the THEBCBOOKtravelledthe provincethis year,giving knowledge of rescue methods, and the equipment nec- British Columbiansthe chanceto make their mark in many short original pieces demonstrate Kewen's compe- essary for successful rescue can minimize avalanche history.Now, beforeit closesand goesto the RoyalBC tence and justified confidence as a guitarist and composer. accidents and fatalities, says Kimmel. Museumin Victoria,we needa last signature. He displays a wide range of stylistic virtuosity ranging Contact Incline Research and Control at 250 837- through folk to jazz. If you are a student in grade K to 12, just tell us in 3391 ( for further informa- It is easy to listen to this collection several times in a row 50 words or lesswhy you should be the last signature tion. without it ever becoming dull or cloying. This is excellent in the BCBook,and tell uswhat gradeyou are in. Evenif music for any season, but perfect for the mid-winter cele- you'vealreadysignedthe Book,you are eligibleto enter. brations. Tired of carols? Pop this CD in your player and Mt. Sentinel Fatalaccident Entriesmust be postmarked,e-mailed (via website)or serve that turkey or tofu loaf, as the case may be. fundraising Salmo RCMP faxed to us by December20. Oneentry will This is my favourite music to relax to and that says On Dec. 1 at approxi- be selectedby randomdraw and the lucky ~~ something when you consider that most of my music is selected for its degree of laid back warmth and consistent The grade 10 through grade 12 French students at mately 11:30 p.m. A single vehicle accident occurred winner,and their parents,will be brought .. to Vancouverto sign the BC Book on 't//i.:," ~J,• delivery. Mt. Sentinel High School in the 700 block of Airport BCTVDecember31. B C T V Many readers will be familiar with Rylan Kewen's music will play host to 28 French Road in Salmo. A 50-year- first hand from his many live gigs in the region including Canadian students and their old woman, Arlene Wood, Meanwhile,BritishColumbianscan continuesigningthe last summer's Kaslo Jazz Fest. teachers in March. was found dead at the BC Book pagesat local savingsand credit unions until the last businessday of December, 2000. Rylan will play Sunday, Dec. 17 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. It's part of an exchange scene, and a second occu- At Max and Irma's in Nelson. You can also look forward to program, and the Mt. pant, 56-year-old John Sendyour entryto: TheBC2000Book hearing him play at several venues throughout the Sentinel students will travel Knelsen of Rossland was POBox94183,RichmondDeliveryCentre Columbia Basin next summer as he has just received a tour- to Joliette, Quebec, in late taken to Trail Regional Richmond,BCV6Y9Z9 ing grant from the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance June Hospital with non-life for 2001. Currently, they're fund- threatened injuries. Police BRITISH COLUMBIA ft Rylan Kewen's CD, Where I'm From, is available local- raising for the exchage. On want to speak with anyone ~~~ ~~ ~ Savings and Credit Unions of British Columbia RINIWAL ■ C ly at Zoom Discs, Packrat Annie's: Copper Mountain Dec. 22, the local students who either saw the accident Marking The Milhnni11m A ... ~0-~ Books, and directly from Rylan at Eddy Music. will sell mocktails at the or arrived at the scene soon • Fax. 250-356-2000 • Phone 250-356-2000 school Christmas dance. after it. You NEEDA FIREARMSLICENCEby January1, 2001 Dueto heavydemand,the $10fee for a Possession-Only Licencewill remainin effect untilDecember 31,2000. Onlythe $60 Possession andAcquisition Licencewill be availableafter thisyear. (Youmustpassthe Canadian FirearmsSafetyCourseor equivalent to get thislicence.) Formoreinformation,assistance or forms:call1 800 731-4000 Application formsarealso available at CanadaPost or visitourWebsiteat outletsandServiceCanada Access Centres. If you DON'TPLANTO GETA LICENCE by January1, 2001, these are your options: Youcansellorgiveyour Youcanturnit into Youcanhaveit firearmto a properly yourlocalpolicestation properly licensedpersonorbusiness (Callfirst.) deactivated. OR OR Tofindoutaboutthe legalrequirementsfor anyof theseoptions, call1 800 731-4000 or visitourWebsiteat Canada