tic margarine tub and to agree Nelson Eco-Crusader that every week that the mar- garine tub isn't full, the students can have a party on Friday after- Mine on the Road noon. "And every week, Josh and Closed? NELSON - A trick ques- his friends party, because the by Suzy Hamilton tion: What Kootenay export will container is never full!" marvels SANDON - Talks are un- reach a market of 300,000 Rodgers. derway between Rock and Tun- Canadians in every province and In the North Ontario town nel union members and man- territory this year? of Sudbury, famous for its smel- agement to avert the closure of It's Russell Rodgers, age 19, ters and the resulting "lunar the Silvana Mine, says mine one of ten youths speaking for landscape," the SA VE tour manager Steve Phillips. the SA VE (Students Active for speakers were delighted to fmd Depleted reserves and low a Viable Environment) tour. young people already hard at silver prices are forcing the So far, they've spoken to work to restore their environ- company to look at other op- 70,000 students in public schools ment. tions, says Phillips. "We're around northern and southern The Boy Scouts have working out a strategy to keep it Ontario, Newfoundland and planted a million trees, students operating, but by next week much of Quebec, travelling on a have organized liming projects we'll either have one in place or shoestring budget fuelled by to neutralize acidified soil so shul down." sales of tour t-shirts. They're plants can grow, and a third The silver/lead/zinc mine also being helped out by group raised $10,000 to pur- employs 37 people. It shipped hundreds of ordinary Canadians chase and preserve a section of 400,000 ounces of silver, four who are billeting them in their Members of SAVE are on tour in Canada. Russell Rodgers is threatened Amazon rain forest. million pounds of lead and four homes. second from right in the back row. While in Nelson, Rodgers million pounds of zinc to Com- "We've met a lot of students made presentation to small inco last year. who care (about the environ- stood how bad these problems who persuaded his fellow groups of students at L.V. "Our biggest problem is ment) and are aware of the were before." kindergarteners to jettison their Rogers High School, from metal prices," says Phillips. Sil- problems in their area, but need The tour participants are individual juice cartons, and in- which he graduated in 1990. ver sells for $4.25 U.S. an ounce. help turning their feelings of also meeting people who want stead ask their parents to send Anyone wishing informa- "Somehow we'll have to live with helplessness and hopelessness to share something they know of recyclable lunch packaging. tion about the SA VE tour's visit those prices yet generate into feelings of positive em- these problems. "In Lake On- Josh also persuaded his to the Kootenays in late March enough cash to keep the jobs." powerment," says Rodgers, tario, for example, it's so pol- teacher to replace the standard can phone Kathleen Rodgers- A pay cut is a possibility, he home in Nelson over the holiday luted that a person developed wastebasket with an empty plas- Rotering at 352-3420. said. season. their film in 24 hours just by "The tour connects to them; leaving it in the water! ~ ~ we're giving students the tools "And one girl in London, they need to become active, and Ontario, complained that the also linking them up to the EY A water in the lake near her (Environmental Youth Alliance, (family's) summer cabin was a national student group dedi- covered in thick green slime that cated to peaceful action to save smelled incredibly disgusting; the environment)." she could smell it hundreds of Rodgers says the tour is feet away." also making an impact on stu- Most encouraging of all, the dents who have never given a SA VE tour participants have thought to the environment. "At discovered some young people ThanksToTheGST the end of every presentation, it already hard at work to save the seems, we have some people environment. Glacier Jewellers' Diamonds coming up to us, and telling us how they never really under- Perhaps their favourite is Josh, a five-year-old in Ottawa, Are CheaperIn19911 Insults AND, OUR No Excuse A N u A R V Suzy Hamilton But the judge said there was NELSON You can't punch your neighbour for insult- ing you, provincial court Judge Stewart Enderton has ruled. no issue whether Krafczyk struck his neighbour. "The sole issue is consent. I cannot fmd WHITE SALE the complainant consented to Enderton convicted Tagh- um parrot breeder Albert Kraf- be struck." 20% OFF SELECTED The judge characterized the czyk of assault Jan. 7 after a dis- situation between the neigh- DIAMOND RINGS pute last April which ended in bours as a long- standing feud Krafczyk hitting his neighbour and said he found Popoff s Peter Popoff. remarks "insulting and abusive." ~ The· two have had a long- However, "it is not provoca- standing argument over water tion that provides a defense in rights since Krafczyk bought his law," he concluded. property from Popoff several "I'm glad to hear there's years ago. Popoff was surveying justice," said Popoff after the a new water distribution box verdict. "But I don't know JEWELLERS when Krafczyk ordered him off where this will end." crown land, court was told in Popoff said Krafczyk still CUSTOM DESIGN · REMOUNTS December. has his 31 parrots which are at REPAIRS-ON-SITE· FREE CLEANING The fight broke out when the centre of strained relations Popoff called his neighbour a in the neighbourhood. A judge Nazi and said: "Get yourself a ordered the parrot breeder to lunch bucket and go to work get rid of all but three of the with the rest of the boys." birds by last Dec. 28 but Kraf czyk hit Popoff in the face Krafczyk is appealing that and again when Popoff said: decision. "Your father killed Canadian "These parrots bring out boys." the worst in all of us," said Nel- "It's abundantly clear (Pop- lie Popoff. "It's terrible. I'd off) does not like the accused," rather live in absolute poverty said Enderton in his reasons for than live like this with neigh- judgement. "And his evidence bours." was coloured by his resent- Krafczykwill be sentenced ment." Jan. 21 in Nelson. THE KOOTENA Y WEEKLY EXPRESS JANUARY 16, 1991 Pagel