H1sTER HEALTH Does alcohol he}P.or _h~~der? :;===o;:=ui;=,~;;==== ·o······. =====·=·==================·=. ··1;;;1~ky=~a;·;-~es them less likely to clot (clots in I've seen several reports heart arteries are responsible for most heart attaclcs). that people who drink alcohol This alcoholic stew has been thickened recently every day are healthier than with a study showing that "moderate" drinkers (they those who don't drink at all. Is were not referring to the drinker's political views but alcohol really good for you? to the people who drink less than four drinks a day - "moderate" indeed) handle stress better than Sunny, solidly constructed home on 21.5 acres. 3 bedrooms either non-drinkers or heavy drinkers. Minimizing ----------. stress may also, of course, lower the & family room in partially finished basemenL Attached DearConfused, Even the experts don't know risks of having a heart attack, al- though it may just be that people who carport & double garage/shop. Additional outbuildings & sauna; fruit trees & garden. View of Valley View Golf Course quite how to answer that. In large regularly drink four drinks a day can't & Slocan River. Priced to sell at $128,300. doses, alcohol is certainly bad for you recognize stress any longer. But I offer a strong caution to 6968 Highway 6 - Call 226-7667 or 766-3519 - no ifs, ands or butts, and I mention butts because heavy alcohoL use is anyone who decides to start drinking often associated with another nega- alcohol for "health reasons." Most im- tive factor, namely smoking. portant, too many of us believe that if a The adverse effects of excess al- cohol are legendary. It increases the risk of heart disease, liver disease, some cancers, strokes, metabolic, hormonal and neurological 0- little bit of something is good, a lot of the same thing must be even better. For alcohoi as for a lot of other things in life, including sex too, that axiom is just not true.The benefits from alcohol ac- We Know What a Lis Pendens is so problems, and on and on in a list that is frightening in crue only with minimum intake. its breadth (the breath of alcoholics is often frighten- Moreover, studies have still not defined who You Don't Have To ing too, of course). could benefit most and who would not gain at all from / In small doses, however, what's called the drink-a- consuming alcohol on a regular basis, or even what We also understand the meaning of res judicata, day dose (which far too many people take to be a types of alcohol are best (how, for example, does a the function of a writ of sequestration and all drunk-a-day dose), alcohol seems to lower the risk of nosey, little burgundy like Chez Fawlty Towers com- pare with the tonier Chez Rip-off?). For now, I sug- those other things that make the legal system go heart attacks. No one knows why this is so but the most around. accepted explanations include the fact that in small gest you wait for more studies before commencing to amounts, alcohol increases HDL (the so-called good consume copious cups of calorific claret. Ciao. Comments? Drop them off or mail them to The F.xpress, 554 But don't ask us to explain the difference between protective cholesterol), and that it makes blood cells Ward St., Nelson B.C. VLL 1S9. a drop stitch, drop-forged and dropsy. So, if you need help navigating the world of the law, please give us a call and let us help. But if Fooo FoR TttouottT your filbert-flange we'll take a pass. won't fit your grapple-grommet, 352-7555 Fresh from the freezer ...:::::::::::;::::.:.: .... ..·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::·:······::::::: ·········:·:::::::: Toll Free 1-800-661-LAWS by Helen Lutz tight container and freezing. This works best for fruit By freezing summer produce, you capture the fruit that will be cooked. All fruits can be frozen without adding any liq- Heflin - Perrin or vegetable at their peak of uid. The texture will be soft when thawed so they are Lawyers Suite l - 609 Baker Street freshness, color, flavour and best used for cooking. Notaries Nelson, British Columbia texture. Honie freezing also lets Cooked vegetables and very ripe or soft-tex- V1 L 4J3 you control the amount of tured fruits can be pureed before freezing, then later sugar, salt and fat added. used for baby food, desserts, beverages and in Be warned that not everything can be frozen. breads. To prevent fruits and vegetables from freez- During freezing, the water within each cell of the ing into one solid lump, freeze them separately on a plant is frozen. This affects the structure of the plant cookie sheet. Transfer them to an airtight container resulting in a loss of crispness when thawed. Generally, the fruits and vegetables that freeze for storage and remove what you need for cooking. To maintain the fresh flavour when thawing SCHOOL aSlRICTNO.7 (NELSON) most successfully are the ones you would serve frozen fruit, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator. cooked. Salad vegetables are not good candidates. A quicker method is to immerse the sealed con- SCHOOL OFENING - SEPlEMBER7, 1993 Several freezing methods can be used, depend- tainer in cold water, changing the water frequently, ing on your needs. Raw vegetables need to be until the fruit is thawed. All schoois will open at regular times on Tuesday, blanched before freezing. This stops the enzymes Prepare frozen vegetables by steaming in as lit- September 7, 1993. Bus runs will begin at the same time as that cause spoilage and helps to retain nutrients and tie water as possible. They will cook in about one- they have in the past, i.e., no change from June, 1993. ALL color. After blanching, dip the vegetables into ice third to one-half the time of fresh. END OF 1HE DAY BUS RUNNS WILL COMMENCE 3 cold water to stop the cooking process. Transfer to Broccoli and other greens have more flavour if an airtight container and freeze. partially thawed before steaming. Com on the cob HOURS PRIOR TO REGULARLY SCHEDULED TIMES. Vegetables that are used primarily for seasonings tastes fresher if completely thawed before cooking. Contact the Transportation Department (354-4871) with such as peppers and onions don't need blanching. Don't discard the cooking water from vegetables. any questions. Fruits do not need blanching. Rather, keep it frozen for soup stock. Juicy fruits such as peaches can be frozen by Helen Lutz is a Community Nutritionist aJ the covering them with apple or another juice in an air- CentralKootenay Health Unit in Nelson. REGISTRA110N OFNEWSlUCENTS 4 Pre-registration of students NEW to School District No. 7 will take place at all schools on MONDAY,AUGUST 30, 1993 - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Parents and students who are unable to register on this date should contact the school to make alternate arrangements. HOME-SCHOOLED SlUIENTS IdahoPeaktrails Continued from page 9. As per the School Act and Regulations, parents who choose to school their child(ren) at home are advised that they MUST register their child(ren) by September 30th with: The trail wound through the villages of Silverton and New was 30 minutes (1.4 km), but for open, wildflower covered alpine Denver on Slocan Lake far below. us, carrying a 4-year-old part of slopes. We could still see a patch The descent was a lot easier, - any public school in the school district where the distance, the time was closer or two of snow. This was bear as we sang songs and hailed hikers the parent(s) reside; toan hour. and grouse country, although on on their way up to the peak. As we - the Regional Correspondence School that serves There are actually two trails the day we were there we saw bounced down the mountainside to Idaho Peak - which is named neither. on the shuttle bus, Broughton told that school district; after the Old Alamo-Idaho mine At an elevation of 2,280 feet, colourful stories about what could - an independent school anywhere in the province. claim staked out before the turn we reached the Idaho Peak look- happen when you met vehicles on of the century - the steeper out, where the trees meet the sky their way up. Wm. Maslechko Alamo Trail and the somewhat and the air was sweet and cool. A Idaho Peak is accessible from Superintendent of Schools gentler Idaho Peak Trail, which delicious breeze blew as we rested June to October, weather permit- has a fine view of Slocan Lake. and looked at mountain peaks and ting,of course. THE KOOTENAY WEEKLY EXPRESS AUGUST 18, 1993 Page 11