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Displaying (21 - 40 of 632)


Bridgnorth & the storied Severn River, England
London Bridge from Surrey Side
House of Parliament W Across the Thames, England
Holiday throngs on the sands at Southsea, England
Idyllic beauty of the Thames at Iffley, England
Solemn length of the Cathedral nave, Durham, England
The Deluge
Romantic beauty of ruined Furness Abbey, England
Their Majesties King George V & Queen Mary, London, England
Shakespeare Cliff, Dover, Kent, England
Fleet Street, east to St Paul's, London, England
Trafalgar Sq, N past Nelson monument to the National Gallery, England
Buckingham Palace (E facade) & Queen Victoria monument, London, England
Canterbury Cathedral, embodying art of 11th-15th centuries, from SE, England
W front of Peterborough Cathedral, with recessed arches 81 ft high, England
Lincoln Cathedral (11th-16th centuries); W front & central tower, England
Warwick Castle seen from little ferry across river looking east, England
[Invasion?] of the [Immunis?]
Plymouth Sound, whence ships have sailed on epoch-making voyages, England
Floreat Etona
