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Displaying (21 - 34 of 34)


Children at picnic table
Scouts eating at long picnic tables at camp
Group at a picnic
Group at a picnic
Three men having a picnic
On the way to millworker picnic
Sunnyside school picnic by Chochran Lake at the top of the Commonage
Group of Boy Scout at picnic at Trask's, Oyama
Picnic at Petrie's corner (Lakeshore Inn)
Evelyn Dawson and Mr. Dawson having a picnic
Sunday School picnic, Okanagan Centre
Group of seniors enjoy cake and tea in the park
Picnic at the Towgoods, Oyama
Group including Mr. and Mrs. Cheesman, Mrs. Bond and Mr. Gleed at Shuswap Falls picnic
